Massey Place Community Church
Children's Church
Kids dismissed after first worship set
Be sure to check the Children's Ministry Page for Information!
All our Children's Church staff have taken our Plan to Protect Program!
Iglesia en Español
Sunday School - 2:00 pm
Main Service 3:00 pm
A Sower went forth to sow!
Living and Learning Together
Sunday May 13
9:00 am - English Worship Practice – (Sanctuary)
9:30 am - Baptism and Membership (Library)
10:00 am - Pre-service prayer (Karen's office)
10:00 am - Pre-service prayer (Karen's office)
10:30 am - English Worship Service (Sanctuary)
2:00 pm - Spanish Worship Service (Sanctuary)
2:00 pm - Spanish Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Monday May 14
Tuesday May 15
1:00 pm - Comfort Makers (Basement)
Wednesday May 16
7:00 am - Men’s prayer breakfast (Grainfields on Circle Dr.)
10:00am Nurturing with Rhymes (Fellowship Hall)
10:00am Nurturing with Rhymes (Fellowship Hall)
7:00 pm - Youth Group (gr. 6-12)
8:00 pm - Spanish Prayer meeting (Sanctuary)
9:00pm Spanish worship practice (Sanctuary)
9:00pm Spanish worship practice (Sanctuary)
Thursday May 17
1:00 pm - Small Group/Bible Study (Boyenkos-Stonebridge)
Friday May 18
8:00 pm – Spanish worship practice (Sanctuary)
Upcoming Events
Sunday May 20th
Saturday May 26th
Saturday June 2nd
Friday and Saturday June 8th & 9th
Sunday June 24th
Pentecost Sunday
New Sermon Series
"The Church and Mental Health"
Church Spring Work Bee
Youth Bottle Drive
MCC Relief Sale & Auction
at Prairieland Park
Combined Service at Pike Lake
Stay after to visit, play games, swim, sleep on the beach, etc!!!
Useful Links This Week