Massey Place Community Church
Sunday March 29, 2015
Prayer for the church - 10:00 am
Celebrating Palm Sunday
Morning ServiceMarch 29 - John 15:1,5 I am the true vine (Pastor Curtis) - 10:30 am
Children's Church during the morning service.
All our Children's Church staff have taken our Plan to Protect Program!
Sunday afternoon
Spanish Sunday School - 2:00 pm
Spanish Service - 3:00 pm - Pastor Miguel Robles
Living and Learning Classes and Opportunities
Small Groups - Based on the Sermon Series on the Book of John. A number of Small Groups have been set up and if you are interested in attending a Group please call the church. Finish at Easter for this first series!These are the areas or sites. Call the church for details.
Sunday afternoon 2:00 pm - Hampton Village area
Sunday evening Ladies - 6:30 pm - Massey Place area
Sunday evening 7:00 pm - - Delisle Rural area
Monday 11:00 am - At the church in the Library
Thursday - Men's Bible Time - Grainfields on Circle Drive - 1:00 pm.
Gathering events
Tuesday 12:00 to 3:00 pm Comfort Makers quilting - Call the church if you are interestedMen's Fellowship breakfast at 7:00 am Wednesday morning at Grainfields on Circle Drive.
Fitness Class - A fitness video by Leslie Sansone is held on Wednesday mornings in the church basement starting from 10-11 am. You are encouraged to take this opportunity to take care of your physical body.
Lent Daily Prayer Guide 2015 – A God of Peace in Uncertain Times.
A joint resource of the BIC Canada and BIC in the US offices.
To download the guide, go to www.canadianbic.ca.
Join www.facebook.com/BICCanadaPrays to receive these as daily posts in your newsfeed.
Upcoming Events
Good Friday April 3 - Good Friday service at Sutherland Evangelical Church at 10:30 amPosters are going up with the details or you can call the church 306 382 8400.
April 5 - Easter Sunday - I Am - Saviour and Redeemer (crucifixion & resurrection)
April 12 - I Am - Our Hope (Last Sunday in the series)
Check out these events coming to Saskatoon and area!
Useful Links This Week
http://saskatoonmarriagenetwork.ca/ Check out the Marriage Conference here
https://www.mwc-cmm.org/pennsylvania-2015 Mennonite World Conference is in Pennsylvania, USA in 2015 July 21 - 26