Sunday morning January 18, 2015
Adult Sunday School to be announced
Prayer for the church - 10:00 am
Prayer for the church - 10:00 am
Morning Service
Pastor Curtis sharing about Zambia - 10:30 am
Sunday afternoon
Spanish Sunday School - 2:00 pm
Spanish Service - 3:00 pm
Living and Learning Classes and Opportunities
Living and Learning Classes and Opportunities
Small Groups
Starting Feb.1st, a new Sermon Series will begin on the Book of John. Please stay tuned for more information on how to get involved in a sermon-based small group study that fits your schedule. If you are interested in leading or hosting a group at your home, please speak to Pastor Curtis, Pastor Karen or Clayton Wiebe.
Living Together
Starting Feb.1st, a new Sermon Series will begin on the Book of John. Please stay tuned for more information on how to get involved in a sermon-based small group study that fits your schedule. If you are interested in leading or hosting a group at your home, please speak to Pastor Curtis, Pastor Karen or Clayton Wiebe.
Living Together
Monday am Bible study now at the church - Call the church for details
Men's Fellowship breakfast at 7:00 am Wednesday morning at Grainfields on Circle Drive
Men's Bible Time - Grainfields on Circle Drive - 1:00 pm. Thursdays
(at the back of the restaurant) Study in Proverbs
Upcoming Events
Monday, Jan.19th, you are welcome
to meet at 7pm in the fellowship
hall at MPCC with the Zoerb family to see pictures and hear more about their recent
trip to Zambia.
Sunday January 25th - Pastor
Ray Sider will share insight into the prayer of Jabez.
Useful Links This Week
http://www.bic-church.org/news/churchwide/archives/08_11_10_spanish_core_course.asp FormaciónMinisterio en español - comprobar el enlace
http://www.goodseed.com/blog/ Check out the article "Catch the Vision!"
http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=e900691004213b8049094abdb&id=1c3bc5660f&e=bbe4ec5a51 How to pray for your Leaders!
https://www.mwc-cmm.org/pennsylvania-2015 Mennonite World Conference is in Pennsylvania, USA in 2015 July 21 - 26
Please let us know if any links on this page do not work!