Friday, 12 December 2014

Sunday December 14, 2014

Sunday morning December 14, 2014
Adult Sunday School
Where Faith and Culture Meet                  9:30 am
Check out the trailer and the first class here.
Morning Service
Pastor Ray Sider speaking                     10:30 am
Children's Church Time and Nursery are available during the morning service
Children's Ministry will present "The Nativity" in the morning service. All family and friends are welcome!

Sunday afternoon
Spanish Sunday School - 2:00 pm
Spanish Service - 3:00 pm

Living and Learning Classes and Opportunities 
 Mid-Week Service 
A midweek service based on Andy Stanley’s ‘Christian: It’s Not What You Think’ Thursday evenings in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 pm. Singing, a sermon, and prayer will be the format. Here is the Trailer!
You are welcome to join us and bring a friend! One week left!

Living Together
Monday am Bible study now at the church - Call the church for details
Men's Fellowship breakfast  at 7:00 am every Wednesday morning at Grainfields on Circle Drive

Upcoming Events
Sunday December 21, 2014 - Ray Sider speaking 
Sunday December 28, 2014 - TBA
Sunday January 4, 2015 - Teen Challenge Saskatchewan will conduct the service. Be sure to join us! Check them out here.

Plan to join us!
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service December 24 at 6:30 pm
Christmas Eve we will celebrate the 'Light of the World.'

Useful Links This Week FormaciónMinisterio en español - comprobar el enlace A local job opportunity Check out the article "Catch the Vision!" How to pray for your Leaders! Evangelical Fellowship of Canada Update Mennonite World Conference is in Pennsylvania, USA in 2015 July 21 - 26

Summer Series: "Ordinary People. Extraordinary God"

Over the summer, we will be delving into a series that looks directly into the lives of ordinary people throughout the Bible that God has us...