Friday, 1 March 2013

Annual General Meeting Sunday

This Sunday - March 3rd, we will be celebrating the past calendar year during our Annual General Meeting.

During the morning service we will have our regular worship service, followed by a pot-luck lunch.  If you are visiting we encourage you to stay with us (there will be enough food for you and your family too!) if you are a regular attender bring a main dish or salad and a dessert, the some of the Spanish service will join us for lunch and more will join us for the 1:00pm AGM meeting.

Following the meeting, which will be less than an hour long, the Spanish service will hold their regular service.  They have had new visitors joining them and don't want to miss them when they come to church (praise God!)!!

So - those are the details for this Sunday - March 3rd.

Upcoming events.

March 17, Guest speaker Dave Thiessen from Ranger Lake Bible Camp

March 29, Good Friday service with Westside fellowship of churches, hosted at Sutherland Evangelical church (more details to come)

March 31, Easter Sunday Services.

Summer Series: "Ordinary People. Extraordinary God"

Over the summer, we will be delving into a series that looks directly into the lives of ordinary people throughout the Bible that God has us...