Sunday, 4 March 2012

Off to Cuba!

Well, with so many different things happening in the past weeks, and so much to look forward to I will just highlight a couple items of interest.

Today - Sunday March 4th, the Mission trip to Cuba begins.  11 people are heading to Cuba for 1 week.  Returning Sunday the 11th.  We are going on a serving and learning trip, excited to partner with our sister churches near Havana.

At the church here, Pastor Miguel will be leading the Spanish service (at 2 for Sunday school and 3 for Church) - and our very own Ray Sider is speaking for the next two Sunday in the morning service, "Living Responsible in an age of excuses", don't miss it - it will be a great message with some amazing people.

May prayer is that God may bless you in this month of March, whoever you are, and wherever you are from.  May you experience the love and forgiveness and blessings of the one who created it all!

Summer Series: "Ordinary People. Extraordinary God"

Over the summer, we will be delving into a series that looks directly into the lives of ordinary people throughout the Bible that God has us...